Monday, June 27, 2011

Resume: Asif Uddin

Asif Uddin

To become science and technology leader by engaging in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills that inspire innovation, self confidence, communication and leadership.

Glenfield Middle School, 6th Grade.
Montclair, New Jersey.

• Won First Place in the Engineering Challenge at the New Jersey State Championships on G-Force National Science Bowl Team 2011.
• Won First Place in National Math Contest “Cedar Point K’NEX Great Thrill Ride Build off” in 2011.
• Received Award of Excellence in Anatomy / New Jersey Science Olympiad Regional and State Championship in 2011.
• Achieved Regional Championship Award from FLL (First Lego League) in 2010.
• Received High Honor Roll Award for Academic Excellence at Hillside and Glendfield Middle School 2010-2011.
• Won First Place in Spelling Bee Competition Hillside Elementary School for two years in row 2009/2010.

Computer Skills:
• Proficient with Microsoft Word and Internet.


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